Current Obsessions: A Meme

I couldn’t find a meme to perfectly fit what I was wanting to write here, so here I am!  Authoring!  My first!  Meme!  Can you believe it?

It’s not that spectacular, actually.  Feel free to modify it and put it on your blog, but if you do, please leave me a link in the comments so I can read!

Current Obsessions

Book: A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle.  I just got the sequel, Toujours Provence, and hope to read it soon!  It’s fun reading all the little French phrases and actually being able to understand them (I took French in HS and college).

Snack: Oddly, ice.  I put some crushed ice in my water, wait for it to get a little melty and saturated, and then I eat it!  Plus side–it’s very low-calorie.  Minus side–it’s bad for my teeth and probably means I have low iron.

Beverage: Sparkling juice.  I haven’t had an abundance of it, but it’s my celebration drink of choice (even when not pregnant).  I think I’ll have a glass tonight as I watch the ball drop on TV.  Happy New Year’s Eve to me!  Peppermint hot chocolate is good, too.  I have some Ghirardelli stuff in the cupboard–yum!

Decor: Wall decals.  I find them so fascinating, and I can’t get enough of looking at them.  I only have one in my home (and one on my car), but this I plan to remedy soon.  I don’t talk about decorating much on this blog, but it is one of my dwindled passions.  (Seriously, who has time for all the passions when you have a kid and a job or two?  I have a hard time remembering what I did with all my time before!)  I have a long post on decorating coming on Sunday.

Actor: It’s still Robert Downey, Jr. for me!  Has anyone seen the new Sherlock Holmes?  Recommend or no?  I am eagerly anticipating the Ironman sequel, though sequels are rarely as good.

Movie: I finally saw Julie & Julia.  It was adorable, especially to someone who loves blogging and cooking.  I think it has led to my next obsession…

Actress: Amy Adams.  Seriously, even though she had bad hair in that movie she was so cute!  And I was, ahem, enchanted with her in Enchanted.

Hobby: Crafting.  Anja has had a scrapbook waiting in her closet since shortly after she was born.  After things in the photography world settled down last week, I set up “shop” on the dining room table and completed all the pages for which I already had photos printed!  I am not an hour per page type scrapbooker.  More like 10 minutes per page, and call it good enough.  This is actually only the second scrapbook I have ever done.  I’m not a huge fan of hobbies that pit women against each other in sneaky, might-not-even-know-it’s-there competition.  But I am far from a perfectionist when it comes to this.  It’s just something fun to do.  I hope/plan to do one book for each child we have, and the rest of their photos will just get put in albums and (hopefully, eventually) labeled.  While I’ve got all the supplies out, I’ve also made some cards to replenish my stash.  I have all sorts of card-making goods, but I’ve been buying them in the $1 section at Michael’s for years since I haven’t had time to make them.  And I did some other stuff I’ll hopefully get time to post about before Baby #2 arrives.

A photo to break up the monotony
Kermit 112709+

Actually, I think that’s all I’ve got.  Too much baby stuff in my brain to hold anything else!

11 thoughts on “Current Obsessions: A Meme

  1. We saw Sherlock Holmes last weekend and loved it.

    It was fast-paced, quirky, fun. I’m sure it’s not for everyone, though. People who are used to a buttoned-up, more serious depiction of Sherlock Holmes may find it hard to take. There are a lot of action sequences and Robert Downey Jr. handles them well. I love watching him. He’s one of my favorite actors, too.

    My husband is a huge Sherlock fan (since boyhood) and he picked up on all sorts of nods to the original stories. The chemistry between RDJ and Jude Law as Watson was a delight to watch. Great dialogue.

  2. Sherlock Holmes was awesome! If you liked RDJ before you will LOVE him now. Brillz!
    I just saw Julie and Julia too… I am determined to blog a recipe once a week!
    And Amy Adams is adorable! 🙂

  3. Hey, I don’t have any wall decals yet, but hubby and I decided this morning that we want one that says “wash… dry… fold… dance” in the laundry room! What do you think of that one?

    My mom and I are going to watch J and J this week–thanks for the great review. Now I can’t wait!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Saw Sherlock Holmes over the weekend and I’ll give it 2 thumbs up….entertaining and fast-paced as Gretchen says. Got to pay attention or you’ll have a ” what just happened” moment. I liked the way Robert and Jude work together too and it seems they left the door open for a sequel.

  5. Hey Heidi~ I started eating Ice too while I was pregnant…about my 6-7th month in…it was the only thing I craved!!! McDonald’s double cheeseburgers with Otto, Ice with Sena. Crazy huh?

  6. Pingback: Sunday Stealing

  7. Pingback: Sunday Stealing « Life as Wife,Mom and Employee

  8. Pingback: Current Obsessions Meme « Anita's Antics

  9. I love the wall decals! I have one on my bathroom mirror that says, “Wash your hands – mom said so,” and three in the hallway with pictures. Once says, “Live well, laugh often, love much,” one just says, “Love,” and one says, “Be yourself.”

  10. Pingback: The Current Obsessions Meme « live a strong life | fight a good fight

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