Easter Pics

We’re reaching that point in the year where I’m doing my bestest just to keep up with the events in our lives and throw a few pictures up on my “virtual scrapbook” here.  My words will be few, but my memories numerous.

The best one I got:
042411 001

The worst, approximately 8 seconds later:
042411 004

Ah, children…good thing I love you, and good thing God made you so cute. 😉

5 thoughts on “Easter Pics

  1. HAHA, and the story is in the 8 second intermission: what could have happened?? Love it!!

    But why does Anja look like she’s seven years old already, for heaven’s sake!!

  2. Hilarious! I’m so glad you shared both pictures – super cute kids, and it totally made me smile and laugh! Amazing how quickly a child’s mood can change… 🙂

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