A Wall Re-Do

When we moved into our current home, it had wallpaper in every room but one.  I got to work with a steamer and removed a border in the kitchen, a border in the laundry room, and the wallpaper in the second bathroom, but the rest of it was neutral enough (and the removing had proved to be so much work) that I just left it.

Almost everyone doesn’t mind this wallpaper in my dining room, except me.  I’m not a big fan.  So I’ve ignored it for 3+ years.  Until now.  I decided it needed some sort of focal point to distract from its vastness.  Some art.

Dining Wall 1

I had some random, cheap supplies already on hand–some big canvases that had been painted and hung in our old apartment in Fargo, some new, smaller canvases that I got for under $1 apiece at Jo-Ann Fabrics, and some sets of white plastic frames I picked up on the clearance shelf at Target last summer.


I stopped at Michael’s and picked up two bottles of paint that I thought I could mix to match my inspiration, a teal pillow in my living room.  Turns out the color isn’t exactly what I imagined…it’s more the hunter green that was popular in the mid-90s.  Oh well…maybe some day I’ll get sick of the color and re-paint it all.  The entire project, start-to-finish, took less than 2 hours, so it wouldn’t be a very big deal to re-do it.

I tried out a few arrangements on the floor before deciding on this one.

Dining wall 2

I threw in the grapevine wreaths (already had them, too), for balance.  Please ignore the toddler reading through my magazines and the various ripped-out pages scattered all over the floor.  I was also in the midst of another project: going through my box of “inspiration” pages, and these had not been discarded yet.

Then I hung it!  When I get some 5×7 pictures printed, I’ll put them in the frames, which will complete it.  When you consider that the frames hold 5x7s, the big canvases are 16×20, you realize that this is a BIG wall.  It could use more.  Again, maybe someday!  🙂  Not bad, though; a wall of art for under $10.

Dining Wall 3

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