Monday is, er, was Blogging Day

Hi all! I’m missing this little online world these days. I’ve been busy in this one, however.

In my “normal” schedule (meaning non-wedding season), Monday afternoons are reserved for blogging both here and there. In spring and summer, however, afternoons get trumped by whatever is most urgent, whether that’s uploading a client gallery, color-correcting or answering gobs of emails.

Today, however, I decided I need a moment to process some of my own family photos, since the summer ones (which are often the BEST) always get lost in the shuffle. For instance, last summer we had a spontaneous birthday party (with balloons and lanterns and a little cake) for Sherman, and I don’t know if I ever even posted about it.

Speaking of Sherman, I have some news about him I might be able to post later this week. I know you’re all on the edge of your seats. 😉

Even when work picks up, the kids and I are still going to the zoo and the pool and parks, having picnics and watching the local puppet shows and arranging playdates.  We squeeze every drop out of summer we can, especially when the warm is late and infrequent.  This summer will be no exception.  I just need to be happy with making memories and not having time to record them all.

I have tried my best to pace my photography schedule in such a way that I am not as overwhelmed as past years.  For me, that means one session per week (or two on rare occasions if necessary).  So far I am pleased with how this is working out.  The clients benefit because their orders and galleries are ready more quickly, and I benefit because I’m still able to get to bed before 2 a.m. most nights!  We all win.

How is your summer shaping up?  What are you doing to make memories?

4 thoughts on “Monday is, er, was Blogging Day

  1. I’m glad your business is busy, even if it does mean hearing less from you here. I cannot wait to see some of those family photos you are processing. And – how on earth can you tease us about Sherman like that??? Don’t you know how cruel that is? 🙂

    • That is a fabulous idea. I’m hoping to camp in our backyard once we move (maybe even before). It will be a good “trial run” before taking the kids on any real camping adventures!

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