Nothing like chips and queso chased with some peppermint tea

Ah, the cravings.  Thankfully my midwife said, “Right now, eat what sounds appealing.”  YES!  10 lbs of weight in first trimester, here I come again.

On a similar note, I made this cake last night, only using Pepsi Throwback (it was what we had on hand), and OH YES you should make it, too.  SO moist and delicious.  You don’t taste the Pepsi, fyi.

5 thoughts on “Nothing like chips and queso chased with some peppermint tea

  1. I craved turkey sandwiches on white bread and Lay’s potato chips (ONLY Lay’s) my first trimester with Emma. Took a loooong time til I could eat turkey sandwiches again! 🙂

  2. Ha! Maybe Joe is pregnant because he is on a total chips and queso kick right now. For me it was always Kraft macaroni and cheese. . .mmmm nothing says nutrious food for your baby like neon orange cheese.

  3. Wow, that cake sounds really good. I think I’ll make one for my husband on Father’s Day. Thanks for the idea!

    I tend to crave steaks when I’m pregnant. I’m a high-maintenance, expensive kind of a pregnant lady.

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