My Posse Does it Right

Here are some photos from our “anniversary spectaculare” (the extra ‘e’ there makes it Fronch). We had fun a the sculpture gardens yesterday, as did 500 million other people. We ran into at least three wedding parties, possibly four.

Starving artists’ ode to mini golf:

Mini Golf 052408

Someone else having a much more zen date than us:

The Noble Art of Rock Contemplation

The image used in virtually EVERY Minnesota brochure, The Cherry on the Spoon:

The Cherry 052408

We also went to some more places, which I may or may not post about tomorrow.ย  It’s Memorial Day, so I should be relaxing and eating picnicky food and waving flags and stuff, right?

12 thoughts on “My Posse Does it Right

  1. Great photos! I love that you took your camera with you on your date. That is the stamp of a true photographer. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve never seen the Minnesotan Cherry on the Spoon, and I have to tell you, my life is richer for being made aware of its existence. It certainly is one of the more unusual sculptures over a body of water — you can tell actually what it is, which is more than I can say for most artistically mangled metal “works of art”.

    Sounds like a fun Anniversary date. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’ve never seen the Cherry on the Spoon either, and I lived in MN. However, I wasn’t picking up brochures on Minnesota either!

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. The sculpture gardens are great. When I lived in St. Louis Park and JP came for a visit (before we were married), I HAD to take him there. I think it’s a rule or something.

    Sounds like a fun date!

  4. I know that spoon. I lost count of how many spoon post cards I’ve gotten over the years.

    Yes… that is a very zen date. Josh would never go for it. Now the Easter Island heads — he’d dig that.


  5. So that’s where I’ve seen that spoon before! Is that the largest cherry in the world? Because if it is, then it is, of course, doubly cool.

    Looks like a fun date!

  6. Oooh, sounds like a great day. Glad you’re feeling a bit better!

    I’ve never seen the spoon. And I have to confess (and maybe I’m just very unrefined and don’t appreciate art), I don’t get it. Sorry. ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. Oh, the mini golf. Love it! Wedding parties walking through the sculpture gardens. Must say I’ve never thought of it. If you shot there, there would be a TON of people in the background of your photos, though. Fun post! Did you eat and picnic after all? And, yes, isn’t it funE to add e’s to things and make the Frenchy? Though I am not sure mine there worked.

  8. Our Aunt Rhoda was an art historian at the Walker for many many years. I never see that spoon without thinking of Aunt Rhoda and smiling.

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