9 thoughts on “Happy Autumn!

  1. You are SO creative! I walk around Michael’s and look at all the pretty fake flowers but the best I’ve done so far is purchased a clay pot! I’m a little intimidated in the area of floral arranging, but maybe it’s just a hump to get over. We need some decor desperately, so that our little 2-bed condo won’t feel such like a prison cell! I about cried the day we took our Christmas tree down because that was the only real form of decoration we’d had up and I really went all out last year (50% off after Christmas sales, baby!!!!). Maybe it’s time to branch out…no pun intended!

    It would be fun to meet up somewhere in October. I’ll have to play it by ear since I don’t really know what’s going on yet, but we can keep in touch about it. You guys in the Cities then? I’ll be in St. Louis Park/Minneapolis the first week, then down in Owatonna area the second (my grandma has been nagging us about visiting her and it is time! -That means we get to feast “Grandma” style!). So, we can figure it out!

  2. I liked your comment at Antique Mommy so came to check out your blog! (Plus, my mom was originally from Minnesota, and her cousin was the governor there for 2 terms years and years ago, so I feel a kinship with Minnesotans even though I’ve never been there! LOL)

    Anyway – beautiful wreath!

  3. Oooo, pretty! I like the color and textures!

    The best I’ve got (so far, I promise!) by way of Autumnal decor is a green, “Falling Leaves” candle with a very cute candle “wreath.”

    Yeah, I’m workin’ on it…

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