These Days

September has been one of the busiest months I remember having in my life.  In between taking care of the baby (2 yr old…still a baby?  Yes, yes she is.), I’ve been working quite a few 12-14 hour days.  Not my cup of tea.  Husband keeps trying to get me to take breaks, but it’s hard, knowing there’s no one else there to pick up the slack (self-employment is great, but has some down-sides).

This business God has given me (because truly, I never went looking for it; I really feel that He’s pushed me through one open door after another) has been blessed beyond what I could have imagined, and I owe it all to him.  That said, it has come with its stresses.

Other things I’ve been able to squeeze into September:

  • A haircut (nothing exciting, just a much-needed trim)
  • Bible study
  • A MOPS meeting
  • A visit to an apple orchard
  • An overnight visit from an old friend and her baby girl
  • A meal out with friends at a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try
  • A couple morning trips to the zoo with Anja, which she loved

Today I took the day off from processing photos and cleaned up the house and did some Autumn decorating.  I told Husband that even though cleaning is not really a break, it seemed like one, so that counts, right?

So far I’ve gained about the same amount of pregnancy weight as I did with Anja (which was more than I wanted to gain, but still in healthy range).  I can’t imagine the weight gain will slow down with my typical menu of hearty soups, yummy breads and fall baked goods coming up, followed by the holiday season.  Yikes!  But friends have reassured me that it is oh so cozy to have a big belly keeping you warm in January, unlike in August where you just wish you could remove it and get the swelling in your legs to go down… 🙂

October will likely be less busy with photo shoots (though I have four this coming weekend), but more busy with client orders.  Can’t promise I’ll be around a lot, but I’d love to hear what you’re up to this fall!

Candy Corn

8 thoughts on “These Days

  1. are those peanuts mixed in with your candy corn?! that sounds like a yummy combo – i will have to try it.

    i have to be honest, i loved eating during pregnancy! it was pretty guilt free for me. =) enjoy it.

  2. I love candy corn with peanuts and almost always mix the two. Wow, 4 photo shoots this weekend. That’s busy! You’ll have to take the next weekend off to recooperate!

  3. Apple orchard is on our agenda for this weekend. I hope there are some honey crisp left for me! Brasa looks interesting. I like that they have vegetarian options. Maybe we’ll have to check it out sometime. Oh, and I was always pregnant during the Fall (first baby born in Dec. and twins born in Jan.). It IS nice having the extra “insulation!”

  4. Glad your business is going so great! Hope you’re having fun in MOPS too… man I can’t believe your baby is already 2!

    Good luck with everything. I know how crazy it can get. Just wait until you have two kids:-)

  5. Pingback: Sunday Sunshine 11.01.09 – Rotund Edition « Minnesota Mom

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