Searching…for me?

I have put up some of these “searching” posts before, but it’s been awhile.  What leads you to my blog today, lovely searchers?

texas can’t secede
Oh yeah? Sez who?

free band names
Oh yes.  I has those, too.

minnesota winter fun
Here’s a post from last December that relates

sleeps with blankie and husband
*Cough* Um, so what?

how many baby can a mommy dog can have
That one, I don’t know at all.  But I bet quite a few since un-spayed mommy dog have baby(ies?) every spring if not kept in house.

photos of holidazzle in mn
Look no further than this.

cool christmas houses
Yes, let’s!  This coming Monday, and you can play along, too!


4 thoughts on “Searching…for me?

  1. Actually, a momma dog can’t have any babies. As in zero. She can, however, have quite a few *puppies*…

    I love search terms. Some of the things people Google. Sheesh. 😀

  2. I always laugh at these searches… and then I stop mid chuckle wondering if my search has shown up on someone elses funny post, LOL! How did you make it snow?? It’s beautiful!


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